Tuesday, February 1, 2011

are there any muslim colony in denmark where muslims live

are there any muslim colony in denmark where muslims live?

Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Do you mean sleeper cells? After the cartoon issue, hopefully all muslims have left that great country.
2 :
not shure what you mean by colony but there are a few muslim communities in Denmark I would suppose
3 :
I can't see why you would want to move to another country and live in an exclusive community with other people of your own nationality? Surely the point of moving to a new country is to meet and make friends with people of a different background to you.
4 :
There are quite a few areas with large Muslim communities, they are all crime-ridden ganglands. When there's a fire in these places for whatever reason, like for example a giant explosion taking out some random solarium for some reason, firemen and police are attacked and pelted with stones by mobs when they moving into the area. Recently, in the capital city of Copenhagen, there have been issues like ordinary citizens being frisked/searched in public by armed gang members looking for rival gang members, whom they will gun down point blank on sight. Innocent people have been killed in random drive-bys and shootings involing the immigrant Muslim gangs and what is domestically called the "rockers", a kind of biker gang primarily dealing in drugs, protection services, extortion, and weapons. The biggest notable are Nørrebro, a suburb in Copenhagen and Gellerup, a suburb in Aarhus, the biggest city on the Jutland peninsula. Colonies? Not really, "troubled" areas, yes, but we pretend they're not until something terrible happens, then we'll send the police in every once in a while, and cycle back and forth like that.
5 :
To Eik C: Stop exaggerating! I bet you live nowhere near Nørrebro. It is true that a lot of arab immigrants live in the area called Nørrebro, and that there has been a lot of shootings here not so long ago. But it seems to be over now. I live in this area, and no one has ever taken a shot at me nor at anyone I know. To answer the question: There are places where many muslims live, Nørrebro is one such place. I found this page that has some information about muslim communities in denmark ( http://www.islam.dk/ ). It does not seem to be completely up to date though. According to official statistics there are about 207.000 muslims in Denmark, that is 3,8 % of the population ( http://www.dst.dk/OmDS/Bib/spoerg/oss/religion.aspx (in danish sorry) ) And only 80% (65% in Copenhagen) of the population are members of The Danish Church aka Folkekirken and very few of these people are actually christian, danes rarely go to church ( http://www.km.dk/folkekirken/statistik-og-oekonomi/kirkestatistik/folkekirkens-medlemstal.html (also in danish) ).

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