Monday, October 1, 2012

What do you call people from belgium

What do you call people from belgium?
Like people who live in Denmark, are Dannish. But what do you call people from belgium. Ya stupid question, I know.
Belgium - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They're called Belgians, I'm pretty sure. (Pronounced Bell-Juhn, Bell-Gen generally.)
2 :
Belgian. There are two main types of Belgians though, the Walloons and the Flemish. North Belgium is the area of Flanders and Wallonia is in the South. The language in Flanders is Flemish and the language in Wallonia is French. (There is also a tiny region in the east of Belgium where they speak German). This means you have Wallonian Belgians and Flemish Belgians. Hercule Poirot was Belgian but I have no idea if he was a Walloon or was Flemish! Additional: Conor's Mammy - hell, of course he was Walloon! Logical - he speaks French! I should have worked that out myself, thanks :)
3 :
4 :
Belgians As in a famous nationalistic song which no one of the present generation remembers : "Flamands et Wallons sont nos prénoms, Belges est notre nom de famille!" A tiny Belgian speaking German Heather? Must be a leprechaun living somewhere between Eupen and Malmedy.
5 :
I'm a Belgian, we are Belgians. And we drink Belgian beer :-) I live in Flanders or the Flemish region, so I'm a Fleming.
6 :
The adjective used for people from Belgium in English is "Belgian". However, the Belgians are not one people. Around 60% of the population speaks Dutch (or a dialect, called 'Flemish'). The Flemish (called Vlamingen in Dutch) live in the northern part of the country (Flanders, in Dutch: Vlaanderen). The Dutch word for Belgians is "Belgen". The other 40% of the population, living in the southern part of the country (Wallonia, or in French: la Wallonie) speaks French. These are the Walloons (French: wallons), the French word for Belgians is "Belges". Only in a handful of municipalities in the east of Wallonia (less than 1% of the entire Belgian population) German is spoken. So, in conclusion, people from Belgium are called "Belgians" (Belgen(D)/Belges(F)), the Dutch-speaking Belgians are called 'Flemish' (Vlamingen, adjective Vlaams), the French-speaking 'Walloon' (wallons, adiective wallon). I hope this helps!
7 :
Belgians !
8 :
Belgian. Heather J: Poirot was Walloon Belgian, at least he speaks French which limits it to being from Brussels or the Walloons. Edit: regarding the whole Flemish/Walloon discussion: bleh! I just consider myself Antwerpian, so there! Discussion closed.

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