Viking Fortress Discovered In Denmark Could Provide Piece Of Historical Puzzle
Researchers discovered a previously-unknown Viking fortress that could help provide insight into Denmark's history. The circular fortress was discovered in a field in the diocese of Vallø, west of Køge, it is similar to the "Trelleborg" fortresses built ...
Om lukningen af DRUO
Dette er et forsøg på at samle alle udtalelser og relevante ressourcer der omhandler lukningen af DR Underholdningsorkesteret i én overskuelig ressource. Alle relevante links sendes til eller via facebook, så skal jeg forsøge at få samlet det hele her. Jeg vil ligeledes gerne saml ...
Spending Some Time Abroad: Aarhus, Denmark
Before we arrived in Denmark, we had to cross the Baltic Sea. Here is a look at the ferry we took across the Baltic. Instead of switching trains, we just drove the train onto the ferry! Aarhus Rådhus (Aka Aarhus Town Hall). Scandinavian design at its finest, or not. You decide for yourself. Aarhus C ...