Saturday, September 6, 2014

Отчет о поездке в Лондон - день 7, часть 2

Отчет о поездке в Лондон - день 7, часть 2

В последний день мы решили подарить друг другу еще неизведанные ощущения (как интригующе звучит-то!) : разделиться и пойти гулять в одиночку. Это очень важная часть путешествия - почувствовать себя принадлежащим городу, а город ощутить своим. Мы расстались в Риджентс парке. Я немного полежала под ог ...

The Ipad Just Became Perfect .

locator log bid bake pick tub june bake strongly dot . Your iPad Will Never Be The Same Touchfire, Inc. | 1117 NW 54th Street | Seattle, WA 98107 Makes iPad Typing And Viewing Easy And Enjoyable >With Touchfire You Will: -Type on your iPad faster and more accurately -Increase comfort and productivit ...


Vijay (interviewing Rafe about the first week of school): Is it funny to have math again after having maths [in Denmark]? Rafe: No. me: Because he doesn't have math here, he has sansuu. [Math is in Japanese class at his school.] Rafe: Yeah, that would be sansuu-su or sansuu-zu. Vijay: Are you making ...

Trip to Skive, Denmark

Nice for a stroll........

Packing Essentials: Honesty and Self-Reflection

image via There are tons and tons of lists/advice articles for packing out there. They insist that X number of shirts are necessary, or Y different types of shoes, or a combination of ABC are absolute essentials. But in my extensive travel experience the most important things for ...

Wild Flowers

14/08/2014 Today we left Carnarvon & drove to Murchison Shire Caravan Park via Gascoyne Junction. We had our first experience of dirt road caravaning, aprox 300kms of it, red dirt dust. There was an amount of it in the van, but nothing that could not be swept & wash away. Red Dust!!! Gascoyne Juncti ...

Soon to go a-viking!

Getting really excited now as in just a few days my daughter and I are embarking on a lightning raid to Denmark! We have 4 nights in the centre of Copenhagen, from which we will venture to Roskilde for the viking museum and also into Sweden across The Bridge *squee*. Yes, that bridge, from that Skan ...

Word choice matters: ‘prostitution’ and ‘sex work’ in The Hoopla

Introduction The Hoopla is an online news and commentary magazine for an audience of politically engaged and ‘predominantly older’ women ( Bodey, 2013). Recently it has published a couple of pieces on sex work that troubled me and I challenged its editor, political journalist and comedian Wendy Harm ...

Clear Skies in Copenhagen

Monday marked the beginning of a new week of classes here and also the beginning of the best week of weather we have had (and probably will have) while I am here! The first day of the week was not highly eventful as I just went to DIS for my core course and my Danish course, however we did learn abo ...

Orange Regional Gallery

Regional art galleries often offer up amazing gems, like last years amazing Wunderkammer exhibition. They're usually relaxed and rather uncrowded. I recently visited Orange Regional Gallery again and was wowed by each of the three exhibitions currently on. Sadly two of them finish tomorrow. Gallery ...

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